Version 1.16

The MD1 Continuum is 2015 Edition Cures compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

CHPL Product Number: Date: (11/22/2022)

Program: 2015 Edition Cures Update

  1. 170.315(a)(5) Demographics
  2. 170.315(a)(12) Family Health History
  3. 170.315(d)(1) Authentication, Access Control, Authorization
  4. 170.315(d)(2)c Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance (Cures Update)
  5. 170.315(d)(3)c Audit Report(s) (Cures Update)
  6. 170.315(d)(4) Amendments
  7. 170.315(d)(5) Automatic Log-off
  8. 170.315(d)(6) Emergency Access
  9. 170.315(d)(7) End-user Device Encryption
  10. 170.315(d)(9) Trusted Connection
  11. 170.315(d)(12)c Encrypt Authentication Credentials
  12. 170.315 (d)(13): Multi-Factor Authentication (Cures Update)
  13. 170.315(e)(3) Patient Health Information Capture
  14. 170.315(g)(3) Safety-enhanced Design
  15. 170.315(g)(4) Quality Management System
  16. 170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-centered Design


MD1 Continuum is a Software as a Service fee. Additional fees may apply for specific data feeds or interfaces based upon client environments.